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Carletta Brenneman

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Adjunct Professor - Modern Language
Primary Phone: (208) 769-7877

Division: World Languages

Department: World Languages

Location: Coeur d' Alene Campus
Building: Lee Kildow Hall (LKH)
Room: 222


B.S., University of Wyoming, Secondary Education

B.A., University of Wyoming, German



I am excited to be a part of this opportunity for dual enrollment between North Idaho College and Coeur d'Alene High School for the German program.

Prior to this, I taught 10 years in Wyoming.  After "retiring" for 11 years to stay home and raise our two daughters, I went back to teaching German in 2012 at CHS.  Since then, the program has grown from just two German 1 classes to an additional German 2 class, a German 3 class and a German 4 class, which have both now become dual enrollment classes with NIC, beginning with the 2017-18 school year.

I enjoy the outdoors and traveling and have taken six trips to Europe with students and adults.  In addition, I even led a group of students to Munich for a 10-day home stay. I was planning my next trip for the summer of 2021, but that may be delayed until the summer of 2022.

~ Frau Brenneman