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Bob Bennett

Generic staff profile image

Professor - English
Primary Phone: (208) 769-3390

Division: English and Humanities

Department: English

Location: Coeur d' Alene Campus
Building: Fort Sherman Officers Quarters
Room: 212


Bachelor of Arts, University of Iowa,


Bob Bennett has always liked a good story. Images and the stories that are tied to them have driven his studies from the days when he was a painting major at University of Iowa through his studies in literature at the University of Idaho.

"What a great job I have," he says. "I get to read good stories and have conversations about what makes them great and why."

Bennett says his interest in the study of humanities comes from "how weird we really are." He tends to linger in the grey spaces between the definite and believes nuances are beautiful and generally more truthful. "I suppose that complicates things," he adds, "but it certainly makes life more interesting and provides for a lot of good stories."