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Transfer Program

Location: Coeur d'Alene

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Program Description

The history major is designed for students desiring a broad liberal arts background either as preparation for a profession or for personal enrichment. Careers in history include teaching (primary secondary or college level) museum work historical research and writing and preserving and interpreting history for the general public through a variety of local state and federal agencies.

The history major is also highly recommended preparation for law politics the ministry and public service. Because it develops breadth of knowledge as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills a history degree is widely considered an excellent foundation for many managerial and executive careers. For this reason, it is a fine choice for the general studies student.

Completion of the following courses normally fulfills the first half of bachelor's degree requirements in history. Course selections should be tailored to match the requirements of the intended transfer institutions.

View Degree Requirements

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Associate of Arts Degree 4/6 Semesters Full-time / Part-time 60-64 Degree requirements

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