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Assistive Technology

North Idaho College Disability Support Services offers a variety of assistive technology options and training to qualified students on all NIC campuses and the North Idaho Campuses for Lewis-Clark State College, Boise State University and Idaho State University.

When assistive technology is requested, an individualized assessment and training is scheduled between an access specialist and the student.

Examples of available assistive technology include:

  • Digital textbooks
  • Captioning
  • Lecture recording
  • Screen readers and digital text reading technology
  • Screen magnification hardware and software
  • Touch screens and iPads are available for use in Seiter Hall Room 100. The purchase of this technology was made possible with a grant from the North Idaho College Foundation.
  • Computer workstations with pre-installed accessibility software located in Molstead Library, at each outreachcampus, and Seiter Hall Room 100.
  • Two private Student Study Rooms equipped with assistive technology located in Seiter Hall Rm 100
  • Calculators/keyboards with large buttons
  • Digital tape recorders
  • Smart Pens for note taking and digital recording of lectures
  • High quality microphones and headsets
  • Specialized computer peripheral equipment
  • Noise canceling headphones
  • Braille printing
  • Assistive listening systems (FM Systems)
  • Special student class chairs to accommodate certain physical disabilities
  • Accessibility Software


Assistive Technology Training

Please note that North Idaho College does not provide attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices or services of a personal nature.  For additional information, refer to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights September 1998 letter "Auxiliary Aids for Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities."