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Faculty & Staff Information

Deana Kalberg

Counseling Specialist
(208) 625-2332

Deana is an alum of North Idaho College (NIC), married with two children, three dogs and 11 chickens. She transferred from NIC to Lewis Clark State College’s (LCSC) Coeur d’Alene campus, where she earned her bachelors in social work, interned with NIC’s TRIO Student Services. Deana continued on to Eastern Washington University (EWU) where she earned a Masters in Social Work and continues to pursue a second master’s degree in Addiction Studies. Deana is currently a Licensed Master Social Worker and Licensed Substance Use Disorder Associate in Idaho, working toward her license as a Clinical Social Worker. Deana has experience working with justice involved clients, stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, bi-polar disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, trauma-related diagnoses, mild intellectual disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as well as addictions.

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”