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eLearning Advisory Committee


The North Idaho College eLearning Advisory Committee shall be comprised of the Director of eLearning who shall be the chair; one faculty representative from each division, two staff members and a representative of the student body. The role of each committee member is to work collaboratively with existing administration and academic units to address issues and concerns related to all aspects of eLearning at North Idaho College.

The charge of the North Idaho College eLearning Advisory Committee is to promote quality and access to online learning and services to students. The committee will work collaboratively developing a vision of success, maintaining a current understanding of eLearning approaches, reviewing software and technology that impacts online learning, identifying eLearning opportunities, researching best practices and making recommendations to the Deans, and Vice President for Instruction.

The purpose of this council is to foster a higher level of transparency, communication, cooperation and consensus related to eLearning at North Idaho College.


Department Member
Business and Professional Programs Ildiko Roth
Cardinal Learning Commons Holly Edwards
Communications and Fine Arts Geoff Carr
English and Humanities John Trombold
Health Professions Janis McClelland
Library Ann Johnston
Math, Computer Science and Engineering Amy Page
Natural Sciences Bill Richards
Nursing Brittany Heidenreich
PE, Dance, and Resort/Recreation Management Jeff Rigg
Social and Behavioral Sciences Paul Brasil
Staff Representative Michelle Padilla
Staff Representative Lisa Jennings
Student Representative Michael Habermann
Trade and Industry Vacant
Information Technology (Ex Officio) Holly Moore
Chair Thomas Scott