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Merge Sections Request

What is a merged section?

Every single section of every single course taught at NIC has a Canvas site. A merged section combines the class rosters from two or more sections into a single course site. Merging course sections allows you to move section enrollments from individual courses and combine them into one course. This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course and only want to manage course data in one location.


  • Multiple sections of the same class
    (example: PSYC-101-101, PSYC-101-102, and PSYC-101-103)
  • Sections of a class that are cross-listed
    (example: ENGL-103-100 and AIST-103-100)

Canvas course sites that cannot be merged

  • Sections that have different start and end dates (ex, late start/dual credit with regular start)
  • Sections that have the same student enrollments (ex, Lab with Class)
  • Courses that have already started

In order to continue to provide faculty the option of merging their courses, NIC has created guidelines on how to make a merged course FERPA compliant. Instructors should follow these guidelines when teaching from a merged course in Canvas.