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Adjunct Faculty Committee FAQ

What is my official title?


How do I sign my email?​

  • Go to MyNIC and search for Branding: email signatures, PowerPoint backgrounds, letterhead, Zoom backgrounds and other branding info​


Can I get help setting up my Canvas Course?​

  • Yes, eLearning is always a willing and eager participant in course setup for Adjunct Professors as well as everyone else.  They will even meet with you via Zoom if you are unable to come to Campus.​


Will the Library provide instruction to my class?​

  • Yes, visit the Library for details and resources for faculty (Adjuncts welcome)​


Can I use my first and last name as an email alias to make it easier for my students?​


What is SLOA (Student Learning Outcomes Assessment)?

  • The SLOA Committee is committed to fostering a positive culture of assessment on campus. The committee firmly believes that faculty-driven assessments are the most effective means to create a positive assessment culture. General Education Matriculation (GEM) and Program Assessment are the two primary systematic assessment processes they use on campus.
  • Learn more about SLOA.


What is a General Education Matriculation (GEM) class or a GEM Assessment?

  • Each semester, faculty in GEM areas and programs across campus enter student performance data through Canvas assessment rubrics. These rubrics tie to state and program-level competencies. Your Division Chair should know if your course should have a GEM assessment.
  • The GEM Assessment can occur in any semester. The college sets a minimum benchmark for spring data entry. All full-time, part-time, and dual credit GEM faculty select the assignment(s) to assess and score students using their GEM assessment rubric in Canvas.
  • Read more on GEM.
  • The process to insert the GEM rubric into your canvas course.


Who do I contact for help?