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Health Insurance Marketplace

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education encourages you to visit the Health Insurance Marketplace for additional information about health insurance coverage for students and their families.

Need health coverage? The Health Insurance Marketplace is the place for you.

Looking for affordable health insurance that fits your needs and your budget? All plans in the Marketplace cover essential health benefits and pre-existing conditions.

Visit Health Insurance Marketplace

Learn how the Marketplace works, who can apply for coverage, how to lower your costs and more. When you're ready to apply, compare plans and enroll in coverage – is the place for that, too!

No matter where you live, you may be able to buy insurance from private health plans that cover a comprehensive set of benefits, including doctor visits, hospital stays, preventative care and prescriptions. Also, plans in the Marketplace must treat you fairly – they can't deny you coverage because of a pre-existing condition. You can also find out if you or anyone on your application qualify for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program, or if you can get immediate financial help to lower your health insurance premiums.

Want help or need more information? If you have questions about the Health Insurance Marketplace, visit or call the Marketplace Call Center toll-free at 1-800-318-2596. TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325. Tell the customer service representative if you need help in a language other than English. You can also visit to find help in your area.