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NIC Athletics teams raise $2,230 with red kettles

Monday, December 23, 2019

Two female NIC students ringing the bell for the salvation army

Pictured are NIC volleyball players Tynn Christiansen (left) and Hannah McPhetridge ringing the red bell for the Salvation Army red kettle in front of Fred Meyer earlier this month.

Several North Idaho College Athletics teams rang the Salvation Army red kettle bells this holiday season, raising about $2,230 for the nonprofit that clothes, feeds, and shelters families.

Teammates from NIC men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s basketball, volleyball and softball braved the elements since Nov. 22 at various red kettle spots such as Super 1 Foods, Fred Meyer and Walmart.

Two male NIC students ringing the bell for the salvation army

NIC basketball players Emmit Taylor III (left) and Tyler Tanner work the Salvation Army red kettles during an NIC wrestling dual in November.

“The girls were singing Christmas carols and the community loved their spirit. Overall, it was a great experience and we cannot wait to do it again next year,” said NIC Head Softball Coach Shay Fuson.