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NIC presents ‘American Rivers, American Stories' choral concert Oct. 22

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Everyone is invited to “American Rivers, American Stories” choral concert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Coeur d’Alene First Presbyterian Church at 521 E Lakeside Ave in Coeur d’Alene.

“American Rivers, American Stories” will feature the NIC Cardinal Chorale and Chamber Singers and will explore the musical styles of early North America including gospel, folk, and shape-note singing.

Highlights of the program will be arrangements of well-known gospel hymns including “Sweet Rivers,” “The Morning Trumpet,” “Shall We Gather At the River,” and “Down to the River to Pray.” “The Feller from Fortune,” a Newfoundland folksong and “Ol’ Joe Clark,” an American fiddle tune, will also be performed in this program.

The NIC Chamber Singers will perform excerpts from “Melodius Sonnet: A Choral Mass Setting,” composed by Timothy Michael Powell and in the Southern shape-note style.

Compositions by Mozart, Mendelssohn, and Palestrina will also be featured in the concert.

The choirs are conducted by Max Mendez and accompanied by Marietta Hardy.

The concert is free and open to the public.

Information: (208) 769-3424.