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Free virtual career development workshops at NIC

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Celebrate National Career Development Day on Wednesday, Nov. 18 by participating in a free virtual workshop offered by North Idaho College Career Services.

Celebrate National Career Development Day on Wednesday, Nov. 18 by participating in a free virtual workshop offered by North Idaho College Career Services. 
The workshops take place between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and are open to the public. They provide opportunities for participants to take three different career assessment tests for free: the Strong Interest Inventory, MicroSkills and MyAct. These assessments are designed to provide valuable insight into one’s personal interests and skills to help identify possible career options and potential educational pathways to those careers.  
Participants can take any of the assessments offered, or all three, and receive individualized results with free interpretation by a professional career counselor. 
To participate, sign up by Monday, Nov. 16 at
For more information: (208)625-2364 or