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NIC Board of Trustees Meeting Notice - Workshop

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The North Idaho College Board of Trustees has scheduled a workshop for Wednesday, May 12 at 2:30 p.m. in the Edminster Student Union Building, Driftwood Bay Room. The purpose of the workshop is for the board to discuss the FY22 budget proposal and the college’s capital plan.

Physical attendance by the public will be limited in accordance with the governor’s modified Stage 3 of the Idaho Rebounds plan and the NIC Rebounds operations guidelines. To ensure appropriate physical distancing, the allowable room capacity is 15 people. Masks must be worn for those choosing to attend in person and members of the public may also view and/or listen to the meeting through the Zoom virtual meeting or by phone.

Join Zoom meeting

(253) 215-8782

Meeting ID: 891 7061 8712