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NIC Head Start featured in Idaho Public Television documentary

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

North Idaho College Head Start is one of a host of Idaho education programs featured in the newest episode of the Idaho Public Television documentary series “Resilient Idaho: Hope Lives Here.”

The latest episode airs Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. PST on Idaho Public Television. It will also be available the same day On Demand at

The program explores how Adverse Childhood Experiences (which include abuse, neglect and other types of childhood trauma) affect Idahoans and offers a possible antidote: resilience.

Filming took place in the Lake Pend Oreille School District, and Tonya Sears, NIC Head Start Education/Disabilities Manager, was interviewed. Head Start classrooms in the NIC Children’s Center and in Sandpoint were also filmed.


“Resilient Idaho: Hope Lives Here” preview