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NIC Head Start educator named ISHA Teacher of the Year

Posted: Thursday, Feb 15, 2024
 Justina Lawson IHSA Award
Photo: Justina Lawson.

A North Idaho College Head Start in Sandpoint early childhood educator was named Idaho Head Start Association (ISHA) Teacher of the Year at the ISHA Awards Banquet Thursday, Feb. 1 in Boise.


The ISHA honored NIC Head Start Teacher Justina Lawson with the award for her positive contributions that have impacted the lives of the children she served and her services provided to the entire program.

“I was really honored to be even considered for something like this,” Lawson said. “We have so many great instructors in our state and I’m just glad that people think my work has made an impact on the children we serve.”

Lawson has taught at NIC’s Sandpoint Head Start for 10 years. She focuses on creating strong teacher-child interactions, regard for child perspective, social-emotional competencies and early academic skills.

“I think the work we do at Head Start is very important,” Lawson said. “I’m looking forward to sharing this with my coworkers and figuring out new and innovative ways to serve our students

NIC Head Start is a school-readiness program that provides education and support for young children and their families. The program is free for eligible families and has Head Start centers throughout North Idaho.

For more information about NIC Head Start programs, visit or contact NIC Head Start Program Assistant Robin Blake at or (208) 292-1650.

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