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NIC hosting trick or treat open house Oct. 25

Posted: Thursday, Oct 17, 2024
NIC Automotive Professor Mark Magill talks to people visiting his table at the Career and Technical Education Trick or Treat Open House on Oct. 27, 2023 at the Parker Technical Education Center in Rathdrum.
NIC Automotive Professor Mark Magill talks to people visiting his table at the Career and Technical Education Trick or Treat Open House on Oct. 27, 2023 at the Parker Technical Education Center in Rathdrum.
NIC Automotive Professor Mark Magill talks to people visiting his table at the Career and Technical Education Trick or Treat Open House on Oct. 27, 2023 at the Parker Technical Education Center in Rathdrum.

NIC is hosting its third-annual Career and Technical Education Trick or Treat Open House from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25 at the Parker Technical Education Center in Rathdrum.

The event is free and open to the public.

The all-ages family event is held indoors at NIC’s Parker Center where participants stop at each lab and collect candy and prizes while learning about the many CTE programs offered at NIC. Last year’s event attracted over 250 participants.

“It’s a really great family atmosphere,” NIC Marketing and Events Coordinator Elli Michael said. “Kids have fun walking through the halls while collecting candy and playing games and parents can get some really good info about the programs we have.”

The event also offers other family activities including games, a DJ, contests, giveaways, a retro arcade trailer, guided tours of the Parker Technical Education Center and a full-size trebuchet to launch pumpkins with the NIC Engineering Club.

For more information about the CTE Trick or Treat Open House, contact the Parker Technical Education Center at (208) 929-4040 or

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