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2.01.01 Authority, Appointment, and Functions

Policy Title: Authority, Appointment and Functions

Impact: Administration

Responsibility: Board of Trustees

Effective Date: 1/30/2002

Revised Date: 5/24/2023

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s): Idaho Code 33-2104A, 33-2106, 33-507 and 34-1404

I.  Authority, Appointment and Functions

The board of trustees derives its authority from statutes enacted by the legislature of the State of Idaho.  The board is subject to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Idaho, the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education as they apply to community colleges, and the Board’s own policies and procedures. 

Board meetings are held consistent with the requirements of Idaho Code. At its annual November meeting, the board of trustees elects one of its members as chair and a second as vice chair. The board of trustees also elects a treasurer, and a secretary, and it may at this or a subsequent meeting, appoint one member to serve as liaison to the North Idaho College Foundation and other liaison positions. 

Board members have authority only when acting as a board of trustees legally in session. The board will not be bound in any way by any statement or action on the part of any individual board member or employee, except when such statement or action is in pursuance of specific instructions by the board of trustees.

II. Election of Trustees

 Trustee elections are held every two years, in even-numbered years, in accordance with Idaho Code 33-2106.

The North Idaho College Board of Trustees consists of five members elected at large from within Kootenai County, for staggered terms of four years. To be eligible to run for election to the Board, candidates must be 18 years or older and be residents of Kootenai County, Idaho. Eligible persons must be candidates for a specific Zone (1-5) in the community college district and must have legal residence for a minimum of 30 days in that Zone in which they wish to file a petition to run for the Board of Trustees. Contact the NIC Office of Finance and Business for the official Zones and maps of the community college district.

Terms expire at the first regular meeting of the Trustees following the election of successors.

III. Appointment of Trustees

In the event of vacancies on the board, replacements will be appointed in compliance with Idaho Code.  Applicants must be a qualified elector in Kootenai County and must reside in the trustee zone where the vacancy occurs and shall serve until the next trustee election, at which time his successor shall be elected for the unexpired term.  Applicants for appointment may be required to declare their candidacy by:

  1. Writing a letter to the board that addresses reasons and qualifications for serving on the board and, at the board’s discretion; and

  2. Responding to a questionnaire that addresses current issues of importance to the college.

Such questionnaire may be composed by the existing board members. The content of the questions may be updated and revised in accordance with the board of trustees’ wishes. No applications will be accepted after the deadline for submission set by the board of trustees. 

At their option, board members may also choose to interview candidates during the selection process.

Trustee application packets will be made available to prospective appointees through the president’s office. The names of applicants and the documents submitted by the applicants will be subject to public disclosure.

Appointment of candidates may be made at the time the position becomes vacant or at a time that the board deems appropriate.