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2.01.03 - Meetings

Policy Title: Meetings

Impact: Board of Trustees

Responsibility: Administration

Effective Date: 2/27/2002

Last Update: 6/7/2023

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s): Idaho Code 74-201 to 74-208

I. Meetings

All meetings of the NIC Board of Trustees will be noticed to the public in accordance with Idaho Code.

All Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held on a given day of each month, or as otherwise as required by law. An annual calendar of Board of Trustees meetings will be approved each year by the Board and made public in advance of each academic year. The date of a regular meeting may be changed by action of the Board of Trustees at any previous meeting or by the President with approval by the Board Chair provided that every Board member is notified in advance of the meeting. In case the date of any regular meeting is changed, the President’s staff will take appropriate steps to inform the public of the change in advance of the meeting in compliance with Idaho Open Meeting Law.

Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called to address a specific concern or issue. Special meetings may be called by the Board Chair or by any two members of the Board or by the President when approved by the Board Chair.  Notice will be provided per the requirements of the Idaho Code.

Executive sessions of the Board may be held for the discussion of any appropriate issues pursuant to Idaho Code. No final actions shall be taken in executive session.


Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held as required by law and as specified in the call for the meeting.

Three members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. An affirmative vote of the majority of all Board members present will be required for the passage of a motion except where otherwise provided by law.

Items may be placed on the agenda by the President or a Board member through the President for publication by the executive assistant to the President. Items should be requested with enough background information so the college may be prepared to respond to ideas and concerns of the Board.

The order of business at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be as agreed to by the Board and may follow the following general outline:

  1. Convene Meeting
  2. Public Comment
  3. Consent Agenda: Approval of Minutes
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. New Business
  6. Reports
  7. Trustee Remarks for the Good of the Order
  8. Adjournment

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to alter or amend the order of the agenda at the discretion of the Board Chair.

The agenda of any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees may include an opportunity for public citizens to address the Board on any item on the agenda. Each public citizen wishing to address the Board on the agenda shall provide his or her name, and the agenda subject on which they wish to comment. Public comment shall be limited as determined by the Board Chair. The Board of Trustees may listen to such public comments but is not obligated to provide responses. If the matter presented requires additional dialogue or action, the Board of Trustees may direct that the matter be placed on the Board’s future agenda for further discussion and review. The decision to allow public participation in the meeting is the sole discretion of the Board Chair.

Remarks for the good of the order relates to comments by members of the Board as recognized by the Board Chair regarding items of note or interest to the Board or the college.  This part of the agenda is not to seek Board action.


Any Board governance policy adopted by the Board of Trustees may be suspended by a majority vote of the entire Board of Trustees. The vote to suspend any policy will be taken by roll call and the results will be entered in the minutes of the meeting.

The Board can recommend changes and amendments to college policies adopted by the Board of Trustees.  The President will take Board recommendations forward in accordance with Policy 2.01.04. Policies may be amended within the legal bounds of the Idaho code by a majority vote of the entire Board of Trustees at any meeting.  Amendment will be made by the repeal of the existing policy and, if required, the enactment of a new policy.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be used as a guideline in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with Board policies and any special rules of order the Board may adopt.