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2.01.05 - Communications with Board of Trustees

Policy Title: Communications with Board of Trustees

Impact: Board of Trustees

Responsibility: Administration

Effective Date: 5/26/1993

Revised Date: 5/24/2023

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s): 

I. Policy Narrative

It will be the practice of the board of trustees to utilize the advice of all interested individuals and groups in the solution of its educational and financial concerns, although the board alone will be the final policy agent.

The president is North Idaho College's official voice and the general agent through whom members of the college community, faculty, staff, and students normally address communication to the board of trustees.  These presidential functions are established in custom, and in board policy. It is therefore, regular operating procedure for official communications to the board of trustees that originate within North Idaho College to be routed through administrative channels to the president, unless otherwise directed by the president in accordance with policies 2.02.01 and 2.01.10. 

It is the policy of the board that the faculty and staff use their respective governance structure, in bringing matters of interest before the board.  As such, they should report their concerns, suggestions, etc. to their immediate supervisor or committee representative and request that they be carried forth through the appropriate communication channels to the board by the president, or president’s designee if necessary.

The board of trustees recognizes the right of the public to receive information concerning all of its actions, policies and details of its educational and business operations.  In accordance with this policy, copies of the agenda will be furnished to all interested persons and organizations upon request to the college president.