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2.01.09 Trustee Emeritus Status

Policy Title: Trustee Emeritus Status

Impact: Board of Trustees

Responsibility: Administration

Effective Date: 12/17/2018

Revised Date: 

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s): 

I. Purpose

To confer Trustee Emeritus status and privileges therein to exemplary former North Idaho College (NIC) Trustees in recognition of their contributions to the institution.

II. Criteria

Consideration will be based on the following criteria:

  • The candidate no longer serves North Idaho College in an official capacity and has no plans to return to active service.
  • The candidate must have served on the board for a minimum of 12 consecutive years (three elected terms).
  • The candidate must have established a record of outstanding and notable service to both North Idaho College and the local community.

III. Process

The NIC Board of Trustees bears responsibility for conferral of Trustee Emeritus status on an individual basis. The designation will be proposed in the form of a board resolution that articulates the basis for the award.

  • A current trustee must nominate a candidate within three years of the candidate’s departure from the board.
  • The nomination must be submitted to or by the board chair through the President’s Office and will be considered at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the NIC Board of Trustees.
  • A majority of the current board of trustees must approve the nomination.

At the board’s discretion, in special circumstances and for truly exceptional cases of exemplary service to North Idaho College, the board may waive any of the criteria set forth herein. The board may confer emeritus status posthumously.

IV. Trustee Emeritus Privileges

  • Recognition of Trustee Emeritus status at public board meeting and presentation of framed board resolution.
  • An NIC identification card that indicates Trustee Emeritus status.
  • Listing in NIC publications.
  • Invitation to participate in NIC ceremonies, including commencement.
  • Lifetime NIC events pass.
  • Lifetime NIC parking permit.