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2.01.11 New Board Member Orientation

Policy Title: New Board Member Orientation

Impact: Board of Trustees

Responsibility: Administration

Effective Date: 5/25/2022

Last Update: 9/27/2023

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s): 

I. Policy Narrative

  1. It is the expectation of the Board of Trustees that each new Board member is afforded the opportunity to participate in a structured onboarding process to facilitate a transition into Board knowledge, participation and support trustee effectiveness.

  2. North Idaho College offers a comprehensive orientation program and ongoing Board development to support Trustees and their Board roles. The program includes both an orientation to the College provided by the president, and effective Board participation and governance provided by the chair, legal counsel, other administrative designees and/or current Trustees.

  3. At the annual organization meeting, or whenever there is a change in the composition of the Board, either through appointment, election, or vacancy, all Trustees will reaffirm their commitment to NIC policies, procedures, and Board of Trustees’ Code of Ethics Policy (2.01.12) and Board General Conduct Policy (2.01.10).

  4. Within the first year of their service, the newly onboarded trustee will be expected to attend a professionally sponsored Board member training.

  5. Avoid any situation to use the position as a community College trustee to benefit for personal gain. Inform the Board Chairperson and/or the entire Board when a matter under consideration might involve or appear to involve a conflict of interest. Each Trustee shall sign and abide by the NIC Annual Trustee Affirmation.

Annual Trustee Affirmation

As a North Idaho College Trustee,

I affirm that:

  • I will work to support the interests of North Idaho College (“NIC”) and the Board.

  • I will recognize that authority over the organization is only vested in the Board when it meets in legal session;

  • I recognize my authority exists only when acting collectively with my fellow Board members, and that our authority is derived from, and obliged to serve, the interests of our entire community;

  • I will devote time, thought, and study to the duties of a trustee, and engage in an ongoing process of in-service education and continuous improvement;

  • I will consider information received from all sources and base decisions upon all available facts while maintaining confidentiality of privileged information;

  • I will work with fellow Trustees in a spirit of harmony and co-operation, and respect differences of opinion;

  • I will respect the majority decisions of the Board.

  • I will demonstrate discretion when making public statements in person, online or in other forums, so as to minimize the impression that such statements reflect the opinion of NIC or the Board. This includes full disclosure to participants when attending meetings as an ordinary citizen.

  • I will be prepared to participate in open, honest, and civil deliberation with my colleagues, vote my conscience rather than to advance any special interests, and respect the decisions we make;

  • I will deal appropriately with sensitive issues and respect the confidentiality of discussions that take place during executive sessions;

  • I represent everyone the College serves, not a particular interest group;

  • I will declare any potential conflict of interest. I will not participate in, vote on, or exert influence on, any decision in which I cannot be unbiased;

  • I will abide by the Code of Ethics (Policy reference will be added once approved);

  • I will honor the division of responsibility between the Board and the President and staff and contribute to creating a spirit of true cooperation and a mutually supportive relationship in support of our community.


______________________                                                                   ___________

Trustee Signature                                                                        Date