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2.01.12 - Code of Ethics

Policy Title: Code of Ethics

Impact: Administration

Responsibility: Board of Trustees

Effective Date: 9/27/2023

Last Update: 9/27/2023

Relates to Procedure(s): n/a

Legal Citation(s): 

I. Code of Ethics

The NIC Board of Trustees maintains a high level of ethical conduct by adhering to the following performance standards.

As a member of the NIC Board, I am required to:

  • devote time, thought, and study to the duties and responsibilities of a community college board member, so that I may render effective and creditable service and comport myself in accordance with NIC Board policies;

  • work with my fellow Board members to build trust and cooperation regardless of differences of opinion that arise during vigorous debates of points of issue;

  • base my individual decisions upon all available facts, unbiased by private interest or partisan pressure, and abide by and uphold the final majority decision of the Board;

  • remember at all times that as an individual I have no legal authority. The legal authority rests with the Board as a whole;

  • remember that I derive authority from, and am accountable to, the community and that I must always act as an advocate on behalf of the entire community, honestly debate issues that affect it, and speak with one voice once a decision or policy is made by the Board;

  • recognize that it is important for me to understand the needs of the community, to represent the voice of the community to the College, and to monitor the results of the College in meeting those needs;

  • avoid using my position as an NIC Trustee to bring myself benefit or personal gain. Inform the Board chairperson and/or the entire Board when a matter under consideration might involve or appear to involve a conflict of interest as per Policy 2.01.10.

  • speak with one voice as a Board member once a Board decision or policy is made.