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2.02.01 - President's Authority and Responsibility

Policy Title: President’s Authority and Responsibility

Impact: Administration

Responsibility: Board of Trustees

Effective Date: 1/28/1998

Last Update: 5/24/2023

Relates to Procedure(s): n/a

Legal Citation(s): Idaho Code 33-2107 and 33-2109

I. Policy Narrative

The President is elected by the Board of Trustees and serves at its pleasure. The board delegates to the President its authority and responsibility to administer the College in accordance with applicable laws and the policies, rules and regulations approved and/or sanctioned by the Board of Trustees. The President provides leadership and direction to students, faculty, and staff. The President has final administrative authority over all matters affecting the College at the operational level.

In addition to such other specific authority as has been or may be delegated to the President by the Board of Trustees, the President has the authority to further delegate to those College officers he or she deems appropriate.

The President is given the authority and discretion to make day to day decisions in implementing and administering the policies of the Board of Trustees. As the administrative officer of the Board of Trustees, the position of President is subject to the terms and conditions established by the Board of Trustees.

The President is North Idaho College’s personal representative to the community, the legislature, the governor’s office, and to state institutions of public and higher education. In all dealings with people, the President serves as the foremost example of the College’s commitment to treat others with dignity, respect, and decency.