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3.02.05 -Employment of Related Parties

Policy Title: Employment of Related Parties

Impact: Employees


Effective Date: 09/24/14

Revised Date: 03/23/22

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure: 3.02.05

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative

It is the goal of the college to have employees treated fairly during their employment.  As such, the college has implemented this policy to reduce the potential for perceived or actual conflict of interest in the employment of related parties. No employee may be in a position that directly or indirectly influences decisions pertaining to the recruitment, hiring, or the terms and conditions of employment of a related party. This includes anyone in the chain of supervision.

For the purposes of this policy, “related party” includes the employee’s relatives, spouse/domestic partner’s relatives, significant other, or persons living in the same household.

Prior to an offer of employment to a related party, employees must disclose to Human Resources, any relationship that would qualify as a related party under this policy if the related party would be in the same chain of supervision.

In the event a relationship between parties is established or disclosed during employment, the college reserves the right to take an employment action so that neither party is in a position of having decision-making authority or significant influence over the other. This may include transferring related parties to different positions, changing their job duties, and/or terminating one of the parties from employment. The implementation of this policy should be carried out by the Chief Human Resources Officer and the appropriate President’s Cabinet member.