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3.02.10 - Corrective Action

Policy Title: Corrective Action

Impact: Benefits Eligible, Non-Faculty Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date:

Last Update: 02/14

Relates to Procedure: 3.02.10

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative

North Idaho College strives to provide its employees with an employment structure that helps individuals grow and improve in their careers.  NIC personnel are expected to meet certain standards of performance on the job, to adjust to changes in work assignment and schedules when necessary, and to be willing to learn new skills and apply them where they are most critically needed.

The corrective action process is intended to improve the employee’s performance to a sustained acceptable level and to provide a process that allows supervisors and employees to work together.

Procedure Title: Corrective Action

Impact: Benefits Eligible, Non-Faculty Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 04/21/14

Last Update:

Relates to Policy: 3.02.10

Legal Citation(s):

I. Corrective Action

Following is the process that may be used by supervisors when dealing with unacceptable performance. Although most situations will generally follow the process described below, it is recognized that some cases of unacceptable performance may require immediate suspension and/or termination as an alternative to following this process. This process is not applicable to employees in probationary appointments or employees without benefits.

  1. Step One: Verbal Discussion

    A supervisor will verbally discuss the areas of performance that are in question with the employee. The employee is thus given an opportunity to correct the problem before a formal written counseling is issued. Counseling, training, and other referral services available may be discussed with the employee when appropriate. This discussion will be documented by the supervisor.

  2. Step Two: Written Warning

    If a resolution acceptable to the supervisor is not reached within a specified time after the verbal discussion, a written warning, documenting the need for immediate improvement, will be given to the employee. This document will become part of the employee's official personnel file in the human resources office. This warning will reference the previous verbal discussions, identify the performance expectations, provide a timeline for achieving the performance expectations, and indicate that failure to sustain an overall acceptable level of performance may lead to further corrective action. Actions including counseling, training, or mentoring should also be documented and filed in the human resources office.

    If the performance issue continues after a written corrective action has been given, a second/final written corrective action may be given as a last and final notice that the behavior is unacceptable, and that the employee is not meeting established performance expectations.  Further incidences of the behavior may result in continued corrective action up to and including termination of employment.

    C. Step Three: Personal Improvement Plan
    1. On occasion, a manager may choose to implement a Personal Improvement Plan to address the unacceptable behavior. The personal improvement plan spells out the issue and the expectation with clear guidelines and time frames.  The manager will meet with the employee on a pre-established basis to review the performance. A Personal Improvement Plan may be used separately or in conjunction with a Written Warning as further guidance on performance expectations.  Failure to meet the established expectation of the Personal Improvement Plan may result in termination of employment. 


At the supervisor’s discretion, an employee may be placed in a probationary status while under corrective action. This action will be documented in writing.  The probation document will be prepared by the supervisor and be delivered to and signed by the employee. This document will become a part of the employee’s official personnel file in the human resources office, and a copy will be forwarded to the appropriate vice president and when applicable, to the president. The document should reference any previous verbal discussions, written warnings, and state that unless immediate and significant improvement is made and maintained over a designated period of time which is established by the immediate supervisor, termination of employment will result. Probation may include a mandatory suspension with or without pay.

ii. When satisfactory completion of the probationary period is reached, documentation will be placed in the employee’s file with a copy to the employee.

D. Step Four: Termination

Should the employee fail to meet the improvement(s) as outlined in the corrective action document(s) within the specified time period, the supervisor will meet with the employee to explain the consequences of the failure to perform as expected and the evidence relied upon by the supervisor. The employee may offer other evidence or explanation for failing to meet the performance standards. If the supervisor remains unsatisfied with the performance, a recommendation for termination of employment will result. Termination must have the review of the appropriate vice president, the executive director of human resources and when applicable, the president. Documentation may be presented to the employee stating the terms of the separation. A copy of the document will be placed in the employee’s official personnel file in the human resources office.

II. Appeal

Within ten (10) days of the issuance of the notice of termination, the employee may appeal the termination in writing to the appropriate vice president or when applicable, the president. Within thirty (30) days of receiving the notice of the appeal, the vice president (or president) shall conduct a review of the termination. The review may consist of a hearing where the employee may represent himself/herself; a review of the written record, and/or a fact-finding process conducted by a third party. Within fifteen (15) days from the conclusion of the review the vice president (or president) shall issue a decision which shall be final.