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Policy Title: Conflict Resolution/Mediation

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 06/24/98

Revised Date: 03/22/23

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure:

Legal Citation(s):

 I. Policy Narrative

In any workplace, there occasionally will be interpersonal conflicts, differences of opinion, or other disagreements that could be more quickly and completely resolved with assistance from an uninvolved party acting as a mediator.

It shall be the policy of North Idaho College to provide employees access to an informal process for conflict resolution through mediation. This process shall only be applied with the consent of all parties directly involved in the dispute and may not be applied to any disputes covered by the college Grievance Policy (3.02.23), or any other formal dispute resolution process documented in policy and/or procedure.

Procedure Title: Conflict Resolution/Mediation

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 06/24/98

Revised Date: 03/22/23

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy:

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative

Mediation is a non-legalistic, informal problem-solving process and active honest participation is required by all parties for its success.

This process may be employed if, and only if, all parties agree in writing to meet and abide by the resolution facilitated by a third-party mediator selected and retained by Human Resources. Each party must make the request in writing to the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) indicating their desire to utilize this process. The CHRO may select another internal college employee to act as mediator or may retain a professional third-party mediator.

The CHRO will arrange the meetings for the parties and the mediator and cover any associated cost. Normally, these meetings should be scheduled during regular college hours with release time for both parties, and total no more than three hours and will involve only the parties and their mediator. Participants in mediation must follow the guidelines established by the mediator.