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3.02.24 - Meet and Confer

Policy Title: Meet and Confer

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 10/26/94

Last Update: 09/28/05

Relates to Procedure: 3.02.24

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative

Salary and benefit packages for North Idaho College employees are approved annually by the board of trustees through a process known as Meet and Confer. The Meet and Confer Committee is comprised of representatives from Faculty Assembly, Staff Assembly, college administration, and Human Resources.

The committee is responsible for developing recommendations on a salary and benefit package that is presented to President’s Cabinet and then to the board of trustees in time to be considered as part of the board's annual budget deliberations.

Procedure Title: Meet and Confer

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 10/26/94

Last Update: 09/28/05

Relates to Policy: 3.02.24

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative

At the first meeting of each fiscal year, the Meet & Confer Committee shall elect from among its membership a single position as chair-elect and recording secretary. This position alternates each year between a representative of Faculty Assembly and a representative of Staff Assembly. The chair-elect/recording secretary shall be responsible for accurately recording all decisions and important discussions of regular and special meetings of the committee, and for distributing copies of those minutes to all committee members and alternates.  In the following year the chair-elect/recording secretary assumes the role as chair of Meet and Confer.

Voting membership on the committee includes an equal number of representatives from both Faculty Assembly and Staff Assembly, for a total of 12 representatives, not counting the Chair. Two alternates from each Assembly may also attend meetings.  Non-voting members will include the Director of Human Resources or a Human Resources designee and an Administration representative appointed by the President.  Committee meetings are called by the chair and typically begin in the fall of each year.

Meet & Confer will carefully review all pertinent information, including the recommendations of appropriate committees, such as the Insurance Sub-committee.  Whenever possible, Meet & Confer members shall try to reach consensus in their deliberations. When consensus is not possible, voice votes will be taken unless a voting member of the committee requests a written vote. Voting members of Meet & Confer are Faculty Assembly and Staff Assembly representatives. The committee chair may vote only in the event of a tie. Alternates to the committee may vote only when a regular member of their delegation is absent. All votes shall be recorded in the minutes of committee meetings.