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3.02.28 - Compensation for Special Assignments

Policy Title: Stipends

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 05/31/00

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 4/30/2023

Relates to Procedure:

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative

In general, North Idaho College employees may be considered for additional compensation in the form of a stipend under the following circumstances:

  1. When overtime pay is inappropriate or when a category of employee is ineligible for overtime pay as provided under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  2. When an employee is asked to perform significant additional duties for a period of at least five weeks.
  3. When the significant additional duties performed will not become a permanent part of the employee’s assignment.
  4. When the significant additional duties performed would not reasonably be considered a part of the “additional duties as assigned” clause in the employee’s contract.

Procedure Title: Stipends

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 05/31/00

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 4/30/2023

Relates to Policy: 3.02.28

Legal Citation(s):


The following guidelines and approvals are required for the payment of a stipend:

  1. Any special assignment for which a stipend is considered should be measurable in activity, responsibility and scope.
  2. Stipends must be authorized by an employee's immediate supervisor and approved by his/her vice president with the concurrence of the director of human resources. Special assignments, which qualify, will be documented by a written agreement among these individuals that outlines the scope, estimated duration, and compensation to be awarded. Whenever possible, such agreements shall be reached before the special assignment begins.
  3. The amount paid as a stipend will vary based on circumstances. In some cases, stipends may be awarded as a fixed fee for the performance of a service or the completion of a special project. In other cases, stipends may be awarded as a percentage of the employee’s current salary. And in still other cases, the stipend may be awarded as a percentage of the salary of an absent co-worker or supervisor whose duties have been temporarily assigned to someone else. In each case, however, the amount of the stipend should be proportionate to the amount and scope of additional work performed.
  4. Should an employee and his/her supervisor disagree as to whether a stipend is justified, the employee may request an advisory ruling from the director of human resources. Where agreement still is not reached, a final determination may be requested from the president.
  5. While stipends generally should not be paid for temporary assignments of less than five weeks duration, once approved, stipends may be paid retroactive to the beginning of the assignment.