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3.02.29 - Alternate Work Schedules

Policy Title: Alternate Work Schedules

Impact: Benefits Eligible Staff

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 02/27/02

Last Update: 02/22/23

Relates to Procedure: 3.02.29

Legal Citation(s): n/a

I. Policy Narrative

In recognition of the challenges employees may face in balancing the demands of the workplace with personal needs, North Idaho College supports the creation of alternate work schedules, as mutually agreed to by the individual employee and the department supervisor. The supervising President’s Cabinet member, in coordination with the direct supervisor, must approve any alternate work schedule prior to implementation.

The following must be considered when designing alternate work schedules:

  • A high level of service to the college and community
  • Sufficient staffing during regular college hours
  • Efficient use of college facilities and resources
  • Adherence to state and federal wage and hour laws, including accurate time entry
  • Clear communication by the supervisor of employee performance expectations
  • Regular and alternate work schedule requests of all employees in the department
  • The FTE % reflected on exempt employees’ employment agreements.

Procedure Title: Alternate Work Schedules

Impact: Benefits Eligible Staff

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 02/27/02

Last Update: 02/22/23

Relates to Policy: 3.02.29

Legal Citation(s): n/a

Alternate work schedules may include:

  • A compressed workweek, which is a 40-hour workweek condensed into fewer than five days
  • One day off every other week

Alternate work schedules may vary in duration and supervisors are responsible for documenting with HR if the schedule is to last longer than four weeks. Supervisors must complete and submit documentation on the designated HR form for inclusion in the employment file. Supervisors are responsible to review the schedule annually and communicate revisions to HR through an updated form.