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3.02.30 - Remediation of Tenured Faculty

Policy Title: Remediation of Tenured Faculty

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 06/26/02

Last Update: 05/26/10

Relates to Procedure: 3.02.30

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative

North Idaho College supports methods to improve the performance of faculty members. If a tenured faculty member is identified by the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) as being ineffective in satisfying contractual obligations as specified in the Teaching Focus policy, either through formal or informal evaluation procedures, a formal remediation process may be initiated by the CAO and implemented pursuant to the Remediation Procedure. 

If at the conclusion of a formal remediation period the CAO determines that the faculty member has successfully completed the remediation process, the CAO shall close the process according to procedure.  However, if at the conclusion of the remediation plan the CAO determines in his/her discretion that the faculty member has not successfully accomplished the outlined goals of the formal remediation plan, the CAO may extend the term of the remediation plan or recommend termination of employment for cause, as defined by the Faculty Termination policy and procedure.

Procedure Title: Remediation of Tenured Faculty

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Tenure Committee

Effective Date: 06/26/02

Last Update: 08/24/10

Relates to Policy: 3.02.30

Legal Citation(s):

I. Informal Remediation

It is in the interests of both tenured faculty and supervisors to attempt to resolve employment concerns fairly, appropriately, in a timely manner, and without the burden of the formal remediation process.  Supervisors with concerns about a tenured faculty member’s performance are encouraged to recommend specific improvements without the chief academic officer (CAO) initiating a formal remediation plan. 

II. Formal Remediation

A formal remediation plan is not intended as a substitute for open communication between a faculty member and his or her supervisors. However, if concerns about a tenured faculty member’s behavior or performance persist and/or constitute potential grounds for termination of employment, a formal remediation plan may be advisable.

III. Decision to Remediate

The CAO, in consultation with the tenured faculty member’s immediate supervisor and/or dean, will determine whether a formal remediation plan is necessary. The decision to remediate may be based upon faculty performance and/or behavior as reported in informal observations or formal evaluations (as described in the Faculty Evaluation Policy and Procedure) and deemed by the CAO to be inappropriate or unacceptable. 

IV. Notification and opportunity for input

The CAO will provide written notice to the tenured faculty member of formal remediation. The notice will clearly indicate the concern(s) to be remediated by the faculty member.  The tenured faculty member may submit a written response to the CAO within a period of seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the written notice of remediation.  After that seven-day period, the CAO will determine whether or not formal remediation will go forward.  If the remediation goes forward, a formal remediation plan will be developed.

V. Development and Implementation of the Formal Remediation Plan

  1. The CAO will meet with the supervisor and/or dean, and the faculty member within thirty (30) calendar days following the CAO’s first notification to the faculty member of the need for formal remediation. During this meeting, the identified areas of concern and the objectives of remediation shall be discussed.
  2. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the initial remediation meeting described above, the CAO will develop a written remediation plan that includes measurable objectives designed to address identified areas of concern and a reasonable timeline that is integrated with the evaluation process. The CAO will review the plan with the faculty member and his/her supervisor or dean, and the CAO will consider revisions that may be recommended. The faculty member is encouraged to share the remediation plan with a peer/mentor to help to complete it successfully.
  3. The tenured faculty member must abide by the plan as outlined by the CAO, notwithstanding his or her disagreement with the terms or necessity of the plan
  4. In the event there is disagreement regarding the satisfactory completion of an aspect of the plan, the faculty member and supervisor and/or dean may each submit a brief statement supporting their viewpoint to the CAO. The CAO will take into consideration the faculty member’s and supervisor’s or dean’s comments and will make the final determination as to the satisfactory completion of activities.
  5. The remediation process will be conducted subject to the following:
    1. During the remediation process, open communication shall be encouraged between the faculty member, the supervisor and/or dean, and the CAO.
    2. The tenured faculty member’s supervisor will document the remediation process.
    3. Any documentation required by this procedure relevant to performance and/or behavior relating to the remediation plan shall remain accessible to the faculty member.
    4. A copy of the formal remediation plan will be retained by the CAO and a copy will be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file located in the Human Resources Department. Other documents generated will be made available to the faculty member upon request.

VI. Conclusion of the Formal Remediation Process

  1. At the conclusion of the remediation period, the faculty member and supervisor will be provided with a copy of the CAO’s written determination of the outcome of remediation.
  2. If the CAO determines that remediation was successful, the CAO will close the remediation process.
  3. If the CAO determines that remediation was not successful, the CAO will either continue the formal remediation, including the option of developing a new plan consistent with section V, or initiate termination of employment according to the Faculty Termination Policy and Procedure.