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3.03.04 - Malicious Harassment

Policy: Malicious Harassment

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 03/08/94

Last Update:

Relates to Procedure: 3.03.04

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

Malicious harassment, the legalistic term for hate (or bias) crime, is defined as any act of intimidation, harassment, physical force, or threat of physical force against a person when motivated by that person's race, color, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual status, age, disability, or status as Vietnam-era veteran.

Malicious harassment subverts the mission of North Idaho College, and threatens, in both obvious and subtle ways, the well-being of students and staff, and will not be tolerated at North Idaho College.

North Idaho College will use both informal and/or formal procedures to investigate in a prompt, timely, and confidential manner, each complaint of malicious harassment.

  1. Because complaints of malicious harassment might be brought that have no merit, procedures should be implemented so that students and employees are protected against false and mischievous complaints.
  2. North Idaho College requires that the rights and concerns of both complainant and accused be fully assured. The college shall make every effort to assure and protect these rights, and shall undertake no action that threatens or compromises them.

Prompt, appropriate, corrective action will be taken against any employee or student of North Idaho College who violates this policy.

Depending on the circumstances, and following due process, the punishment may include, but is not limited to, verbal and/or written reprimands, suspension with pay, suspension without pay, demotions, expulsion, or dismissal.

Persons with supervisor's responsibilities for employees/students are expected to report and/or to take appropriate supervisory action when they know of malicious harassment.

It is understood that this policy will not deny the individual the right to appeal to the North Idaho College Board of Trustees.

Procedure Malicious Harassment

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 6/23/93

Last Update:

Relates to Policy: 3.03.04

Legal Citation(s):

In case of a malicious harassment grievance from the alleged victim against a North Idaho College employee or student, the complaint shall be referred to the appropriate supervisor or office.  If no satisfactory resolution can be achieved at this level, an appeal can be made to the appropriate college vice president, and then to the college president.  It is understood that this procedure will not deny the individual the right to a final appeal to the North Idaho College Board of Trustees.