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3.04.02 - Annual (Vacation) Leave

Policy Title: Annual Vacation Leave

Impact: All Benefit Eligible Staff

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 07/1994

Revised Date: 02/24/2016

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Annual Vacation Leave

Annual (Vacation) Leave is paid time off accrued by benefit-eligible staff and available for personal use as approved by their immediate supervisor. Annual leave may be used to cover sick leave when sick leave balances have been depleted.  Annual leave may be used to receive full pay during periods of Short-Term Disability leave (STD). 

Annual leave is accrued at the end of each pay period worked. If an employee goes on leave without pay (LWOP) at any time during a pay period, the annual leave accrual may be prorated for that pay period.

The rate at which annual leave is accrued during each bi-weekly pay period depends on employee’s classification, length of service and hours worked. A maximum of 240 hours (30 days) of annual leave may be carried over from fiscal year to fiscal year.

For current accrual rates and reporting procedures refer to administrative operational guidelines.