Policy Title: Jury Duty & Court Leave
Impact: Employees
Responsibility: Human Resources
Effective Date:
Revised Date: 04/24/2024
Reviewed Date:
Relates to Procedure(s):
Legal Citation(s):
I. Jury Duty & Court Leave
An employee who is summoned for jury duty or subpoenaed as a witness before a court of competent jurisdiction, or as a witness in a proceeding where the employee is not personally involved in the action as the Plaintiff, the Defendant, or the object of the investigation, must be released from work to fulfill those obligations.
An employee summoned for court or jury service shall notify their immediate supervisor at the earliest possible date prior to the start of service. The employee is responsible for submitting proof of service to their supervisor and is entitled to keep fees and mileage reimbursement paid by the court.
Benefits eligible employees will be granted leave with pay. Expenses in connection with this duty are not subject to reimbursement by North Idaho College.