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3.04.06 - Leave Without Pay

Policy Title: Leave Without Pay (LWOP)

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 01/28/1998

Revised Date: 05/25/2021

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Leave Without Pay (LWOP)

Benefits eligible employees may request a Leave Without Pay (LWOP). A LWOP permits an employee to request a leave that extends longer than two weeks up to a maximum of one year. Employees may request a LWOP for a variety of reasons, but should do so, when practical, at least ninety (90) days in advance of the leave. NIC weighs such requests on an individual basis depending on the reason for the request and the effect that granting it will have on the employee’s department or program. The requested LWOP must be approved by the employee’s President’s Cabinet member and the president prior to the LWOP commencing, when possible. Employees will be required to exhaust all other applicable types of accrued leave before commencing leave without pay, per relevant leave policies in 3.04D. 

  1. Health Insurance
    When an employee covered by a North Idaho College insurance plan takes leave without pay for any reason, the employee may choose to maintain their current health insurance for themselves and their dependents either by paying a portion or all of their premiums or by enrolling in COBRA (The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985).