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Policy Title: Personal Leave

Impact: Category III Employees and employees with Category III benefits

Responsibility: Faculty Assembly

Effective Date: 02/23/2000

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Personal Leave – Category III Employees

In order to assist employees who otherwise do not receive vacation days, the college will provide personal leave opportunities. The intent of this policy is to assist such employees in dealing with extenuating circumstance that requires them to miss work.

    1. Coverage:
      This policy will apply to all Category III employees and other exempt employees with Category III benefits (with no vacation benefits).
    2. Personal Leave:
      NIC shall grant each of the above employees two personal leave days per contract year. Personal leave days are intended for use in attending to personal or family matters. Personal leave days cannot be accumulated beyond the contract year and are not compensable upon separation from NIC employment.