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3.04.08- Sabbatical

Policy Title: Sabbatical for full-time tenured faculty who have completed seven full-time academic years of service

Impact: Faculty

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: 06/21/1995

Revised Date: 02/20/2014

Reviewed Date: 3/21/2024

Relates to Procedure(s): 3.04.08

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

The North Idaho College Board of Trustees recognizes that the college has a responsibility for professional growth of its faculty. Therefore, the college is committed to providing sabbatical leaves to full-time, tenured faculty who have completed seven full academic years of service with the college. Leaves may be granted for either one semester at full pay or for two semesters at half pay. Recipients may apply again after seven more continuous years of full-time service.


Procedure Title: Sabbatical for full-time tenured faculty who have completed seven full-time academic years of service

Impact: Faculty

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: 12/17/1995

Revised Date: 3/21/2024

Reviewed Date: 3/21/2024

Relates to Policy(s): 3.04.08

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative


  1. To work toward an advanced degree in the instructor’s major teaching discipline(s).
  2. To complete course work, a program of study, or travel designed to advance the instructor’s expertise in their discipline and field of teaching.
  3. To engage in research and/or pursue publication related to the instructor’s discipline or field.
  4. To pursue work outside the institution that contributes directly to methods and practices that enhance teaching effectiveness.


  1. Mid-September - The chief academic officer notifies full-time, tenured faculty that applications are available.
  2. Mid-November - The sabbatical applications are due to the chief academic officer with recommendations from the appropriate division chair.
  3. First of December - The applications are sent to the Sabbatical Leave Committee for evaluation and ranking. The Sabbatical Leave Committee consists of five full- time faculty members appointed by the chief academic officer and deans. Faculty returning from sabbatical will serve on the committee the following year.
  4. Mid- January - The Sabbatical Leave Committee evaluates and rank-orders the applicationsand sends them to the chief academic officer and deans for approval. The approved list of ranked applications will be submitted to President’s Cabinet.
  5. End of February - President’s Cabinet will determine the number of leaves to be funded. NIC will make every effort to award at least one sabbatical annually. In the event that no sabbatical is awarded, the administration will provide a written explanation to the executive committee of Faculty Assembly.
  6. First of March - The Sabbatical Leave Committee will notify every applicant of approval or denial of the request. The committee will also provide the applicant with an anonymous summary evaluation rubric in order to provide feedback.


Applicants must submit a detailed plan of what they propose to do during the sabbatical. The
applications should include all of the following:

  1. The applicant’s current resume or CV which includes a summary of his/her relevant professional work and activities.
  2. A detailed plan of what the applicant proposes to do while on sabbatical leave. This should include:
    • A one paragraph description of the intended project (abstract). Note: If awarded, the abstract will be made publicly available.
    • Goals and objectives of the leave.
    • Leave activities and timelines.
    • Assessment/documentation methods.
  1. A detailed description of:
    • How the project contributes to the mission of the college.
    • The need for new or additional knowledge in the applicant’s field or discipline.
    • How the project connects to the applicant’s teaching responsibilities.
    • How the project benefits the institution.
  1. Supportive documentation:
    • Recommendation from the division chair (required)
    • As deemed appropriate:
    • Letters of support
    • Travel plans
    • Financial commitments
    • A detailed description of colleague and administrative support for the project


Sabbatical leave applications will be rated using a rubric established by the Sabbatical Leave Committee. Applicants are evaluated on each element of their detailed plan described earlier in this procedure as the “Application Content.” Some of the areas of preference include a clear contribution to the NIC mission, a clearly identifiable benefit to NIC, professional resume inclusive of active campus involvement, and length of full-time tenured service. The full rubric is available, by request, through the Office of Instruction.

Applicants will be rank ordered based on their total rubric score. In the event of a tie score on the rubric, the applicant with the longest period since last receiving sabbatical will be selected. If there is still a tie score, the applicant with the longest service to NIC will be selected for sabbatical.


The faculty member is expected to return to active service at NIC for at least one academic year after completion of the leave. A sabbatical recipient who does not return for at least one full year of service will be required to repay the total salary and benefits received from NIC while on leave. Within six weeks after returning from sabbatical, the faculty member must submit to the chief academic officer and the appropriate dean and division chair, a written assessment report of his/her sabbatical activities. In addition, the faculty member will be asked to give a presentation on their sabbatical at an appropriate forum such as a division meeting or the teaching and learning center.