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Policy Title: Sabbatical for Staff who have completed seven full-time years of service

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Staff Assembly

Effective Date: 06/27/2012

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 12/01/2013

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):


I. Policy Narrative:

The North Idaho College Board of Trustees recognizes that the college has a responsibility for professional growth of its faculty. Therefore, the college is committed to providing sabbatical leaves to full-time, tenured faculty who have completed seven full academic years of service with the college. Leaves may be granted for either one semester at full pay or for two semesters at half pay. Recipients may apply again after seven more continuous years of full-time service.


Procedure Title: Sabbatical for Staff who have completed seven full time years of service

Impact: Employees

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 06/27/2012

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 12/01/2013

Relates to Policy(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Rating System

A Sabbatical Leave Committee will be appointed by President’s Cabinet. Sabbatical leave applications will be rated by the Sabbatical Leave Committee according to a published process that is made available to applicants. Applications with the most applicability to the strategic plan and values of the institution will be ranked higher.

II. Length of Time for Sabbatical Leave

A staff sabbatical leave may be granted for a block of time which will vary, depending upon the design of the sabbatical.  Minimum leave time is four weeks and maximum leave time is 36 weeks (two full semesters). Leaves up to 18 weeks (one full semester) may be granted at full pay and leaves between 19 and 36 weeks may be granted at half pay.

 III. Other Employment During Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leave shall not be used as a means of augmenting personal income. A recipient shall not accept gainful employment during a sabbatical leave. Recipients will report to the supervising President’s Cabinet member any grants, awards or payments received during the sabbatical as salary or compensation.  Exceptions to this restriction will be granted in the discretion of the president. 

Professional Sabbatical Leave Term and Compensation:

  1. The terms of the sabbatical leave will be appropriate to the purpose, and will not be less than four weeks or exceed 36 weeks (two full semesters).
  2. To the extent permitted by law, personnel on leave will be regarded as on active college employment status and accrue such benefits under applicable college policies as if they were in active college service. However, payments for insurance premiums and retirement contributions which are related to the amount of the employee’s compensation will be based upon actual payments made to the individual by the college during the period of the leave and not upon the budgeted salary for the position.
  3. Total professional leaves granted during any fiscal year will be determined based on available financial and human resources.
  4. Sabbaticals may not be taken during the fiscal year immediately preceding retirement.

IV. Application Timeline

  1. Mid-November – The Staff Assembly chair notifies all benefit eligible staff that applications are available online.
  2. Mid-December - The signed and completed sabbatical applications are due to the employee’s supervising vice president or supervising member of President’s Cabinet.
  3. Mid-January - the applications are sent to the Staff Sabbatical Leave Committee for evaluation and ranking and submission to President’s Cabinet.
  4. End of March – President’s Cabinet determines the number of leaves to be funded and makes recommendations to the president. NIC will make every effort to award at least one paid sabbatical annually.
  5. By the first Tuesday in April – Applicants receive notification of approval or denial of request. In an effort to provide feedback, the appropriate manager and vice president will meet with every applicant. There is no appeal of an adverse decision.

V. Application Content

Applicants must submit a detailed plan of what they propose to do during the Sabbatical. The applications should include all of the following:

  1. The applicant’s up-to-date resume which includes a summary of his/her relevant professional work and activities.
  2. A detailed plan of what the applicant proposes to do while on sabbatical leave. This should include:
    1. A one paragraph description of the intended activity.
    2. Goals and objectives of the leave.
    3. Leave timeline.
    4. Proposed plan for assessment of how goals and objectives will be met at the completion of the sabbatical.
    5. How the project contributes to the mission of the college.
    6. Demonstrated need for new or additional knowledge in the applicant’s field or position.
    7. How the project connects to the applicant’s current or future job responsibilities at the institution.
    8. How the project benefits the institution.
    9. Other as requested by supervising President’s Cabinet member.
  1. Supportive documentation should include:
    1. A completed Leave Impact Form.
    2. A detailed description from the college, business, or institute of courses, program, or activities applicant is planning to complete.
    3. Written endorsement of employee’s performance by direct supervisor.
    4. Other as requested by supervising President’s Cabinet member.

VI. Obligations of Recipient(s)

Within six weeks after returning, the employee must submit to the appropriate supervising President’s Cabinet member a written assessment of his/her sabbatical activities while on leave, as well as a description of how the knowledge, skills and experience gained will be utilized at North Idaho College. In addition, if the leave activity is of sufficient interest to the NIC community at large, the employee may be asked to give a presentation in an appropriate format.

Obligation to return to the college: The employee is expected either to return to active service at NIC for a period of time at least equivalent to the leave, or repay the money received from NIC while on leave.