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3.05.01 - Professional Ethics

Policy Title: Professional Ethics

Impact: Faculty

Responsibility: Tenure Committee

Effective Date: 5/26/1999

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Professional Ethics

As professionals, faculty members assume the ethical responsibilities accorded their specialized discipline/profession/trade, their students, their colleagues, their institution, and their community.

  1. Obligation to Discipline, Profession, or Trade
    Guided by an appreciation for the advancement of human knowledge, faculty members assume an allegiance to their specialized discipline, profession, or trade.
    1. Faculty members maintain subject matter competency not only in areas of personal interest, but also in all areas relevant to course goals or objectives.
    2. Faculty members develop and maintain pedagogical skills consistent with course objectives and student needs.
    3. In developing their specialized competencies, faculty members exercise critical self-discipline and careful judgment in transmission of new information, and exercise scrupulous regard for intellectual honesty.

  2. Relationship with Students
    In their professional relationship with students, faculty members encourage the free pursuit of learning by students. They hold before the student the best standards of their discipline by protecting students’ academic freedom and by fostering honest education conduct.

    1. Faculty members ensure that evaluation of student performance is honest and fair and based upon student work performed.
    2. Faculty members demonstrate respect for the student as a person by adhering to the proper role of intellectual guide and counselor, by respecting the confidential nature of the relationship, by not exploiting a student for private advantage, and by acknowledging significant student assistance.
    3. Faculty members deal with topics that students are likely to find sensitive or discomforting in an open, honest, and positive manner.

  3. Relationship with Colleagues
    Membership in the educational community at large carries with it certain obligations.
    1. Faculty members respect and defend the free inquiry of associates.
    2. Faculty members show, in the exchange of criticism and ideas, due respect for the opinions of others.
    3. Faculty members acknowledge colleague assistance.
    4. Faculty members strive for objectivity in the professional judgment of colleagues.

D. Relationship to North Idaho College
Faculty members have the rights and obligations of all citizens.

    1. Faculty members limit the amount and nature of the work they do outside of North Idaho College so as not to infringe on the time necessary for them to fulfill their contractual responsibilities to NIC.
    2. Faculty members adhere to the formal policies of North Idaho College and observe the stated regulations of the institution. At the same time, they maintain their right to criticize and seek revision of any policy through the normal process in effect at the college.
    3. Faculty members accept their share of faculty responsibilities for governance of their institution.
    4. When considering the interruption or termination of their service, faculty members recognize the effect of the decisions on the programs of the institution and give timely notice of their intentions.

E. Relationship to the Community
Faculty members have the rights and obligations of all citizens.

    1. As citizens engaged in a profession that depends on freedom for its health and integrity, faculty members particularly promote conditions of free inquiry, and further public understanding of academic freedom.
    2. Faculty members limit the nature and urgency of their off-campus responsibilities so as not to infringe on their responsibilities to their colleagues, their students, their specialized fields, and North Idaho College.
    3. When speaking as private citizens, faculty members avoid creating the impression they speak for North Idaho College.