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3.09 - Evaluation of Supervisors

Policy Title: Evaluation of Supervisors

Impact: Supervisors

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 1/28/1997

Last Update: 2/24/2021

Relates to Procedure(s): 3.09

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative

The purpose of the Evaluation of supervisors is to continuously improve the quality of management at North Idaho College by assessing both the performance of supervisors and the systems and processes in which they function.

In order to achieve the goals and mission of the college, it is imperative that supervisors be held to a high standard of leadership. Community Inquiry is the process by which a supervisor receives confidential feedback from the people with whom they work thereby increasing the effectiveness of their leadership. This is also commonly known as a 360-evaluation. These evaluations provide tools for helping supervisors improve not only their performance, but the work environment and, therefore, the performance of direct reports.

Newly hired supervisors will be evaluated each year for the first two years; thereafter, each supervisor will be evaluated every two years. The reports from the Community Inquiry will be placed in the supervisor’s employment file.

The presidential evaluation process is administered by the Board of Trustees as established in Policy 2.02.02.


Procedure Title: Evaluation of Supervisors

Impact: Supervisors

Responsibility: Human Resources

Effective Date: 1/28/1997

Revised Date: 11/19/2020

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy (s): 3.09

Legal Citation(s): 

I. Procedure Narrative:

Community Inquiry is the process by which a supervisor receives confidential feedback from the people with whom they work thereby increasing the effectiveness of their leadership. This is also commonly known as a 360-evaluation.

Employees in a supervisory role will participate in an assessment that will involve feedback from their supervisor, peers, direct reports and a random selection of other employees who are impacted by the individual supervisor.  Supervisors must have a minimum of three full-time direct reports, six part-time direct reports, or a combination of full and part-time employees to equal three full-time direct reports to receive a Community Inquiry.

Community Inquiry will be performed for the first two years of employment in a supervisory position and thereafter on alternating years of a biennial performance review. The process for Community Inquiry is conducted as follows:

  1. Supervisors will be assessed with respect to their effectiveness as a leader, integrity, communication skills, teamwork, employee and community engagement, and ability to meet the mission and vision of NIC.

  2. Supervisors will be assessed by their supervisor, peers, direct reports and a selection of other employees with whom the employee interacts or otherwise impacts.

  3. The number of selected other employees will be directly correlated to the sphere of influence of the position being evaluated.  For director level positions and below, there should be a minimum of ten employees selected between peers and other NIC employees.

  4. The supervisor will work with the individual employee to select the other NIC employees to be chosen to participate in the survey.  Out of these selections, employees will be randomly selected to assess the employee as part of the Community Inquiry.

  5. The results from the Community Inquiry will be reviewed in a meeting between the employee and their supervisor. This meeting will be formally documented as instructed by Human Resources.

  6. The resulting report from the Community Inquiry will become part of the supervisor’s employment file maintained by the Human Resources Department. The report will be made available to the employee and their supervisor.

  7. The employee may provide a written response within thirty days of receiving their results which will be included with the evaluation in their employment file.

  8. To maintain employee confidentiality and provide consistency in the evaluation process, Community Inquiry will be conducted by a third-party company selected by Human Resources.

Note: Employees participating in a Community Inquiry will participate in the biennial Performance Review in alternating years where they are not part of a Community Inquiry.