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4.02- Credit Hours

Policy Title: Credit Hours

Impact: Instruction


Effective Date: 3/26/2014

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s): 4.02

Legal Citation(s): U.S. Department of Education Regulations: 34 CFR600.2 and 600.24

North Idaho College credit-bearing courses are scheduled and conducted in compliance with federal regulations defining the credit hour. Academic credit provides the basis for measuring the amount of engaged learning time expected of a typical student enrolled not only in traditional classroom settings but also laboratories, studios, internships, and other experiential learning, and online education. This policy does not apply to faculty workload definitions.

I. Definition of a Credit Hour

For purposes of the application of this policy at North Idaho College, a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. Evidence of student achievement is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:

  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out-of-class student work each week for sixteen weeks (fifteen weeks of instruction and one week of finals) for one semester; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of hours and work over a different amount of time; or
  3. At least an equivalent amount of work for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

II. Institutional Fulfillment of this Policy

As required by 10 CFR Section 600.24 – Non-compliance, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) will evaluate the extent to which the college meets the federal definition by reviewing:

  1. The adoption of this policy on credit hour for all credit-bearing courses and programs at the college;
  2. The processes the college employs to periodically review the application of this policy across the institution to assure that credit hour assignments are accurate and reliable; and
  3. Any variations in the assignment of credit hours to assure that these variations conform to commonly accepted practices in higher education.


Procedure Title: Credit Hours

Impact: Instruction


Effective Date: 3/26/2014

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 4.02

Legal Citation(s): U.S. Department of Education Regulations: 34 CFR600.2 and 600.24

I. Procedure Narrative:

In the interest of accurate academic measurement and course comparability, the following definitions and practices apply when establishing the relationship between contact and credit hours.  Courses may be composed of any combination of elements described, such as a lecture course which also has required laboratory periods or a lecture course having an additional requirement for independent study. 

Course credit hours are determined by the contact hours and the ratio of those hours to the number of weeks in a semester.  In accordance with common practices in higher education, instruction representing a credit hour is typically delivered in a 50-minute class period.  Development and scheduling of credit-bearing courses in all formats and for all methods of delivery (e.g. weekday, weekend, intensive, and online, hybrid) must reflect one, or a combination of, the following definitions.


II. Definitions

  1. Lecture/Discussion
    Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is lecture and/or discussion.  Conduct of instruction is under the direction of the instructor.  Two additional hours of out-of-class assignments per classroom contact hour are required.  One credit hour is generated by each weekly contact hour.

    Contact Hour to Credit Ratio per Week: 1:1

  2. Directed Study
    Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is autonomous study under the supervision of the instructor.  Directed study courses are identical to courses outlined in the catalog.  One credit hour is generated by one hour of directed study with an instructor and two additional hours of required homework and/or assignments.

    Contact Hour to Credit Ratio per Week: 1:1

  3. Applied Learning Laboratory, Applied Learning Activities, Group Studio - Option 1
    Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is individual or group study in a classroom, laboratory, shop, or studio.  Conduct of the instruction is under the direct supervision of the instructor.  This mode includes laboratory, clinical, or workplaces where students receive hands-on learning experience that is continually supervised.  Work is completed in the learning environment but also includes out-of-class assignments. One credit hour is generated by two weekly contact hours of lab instruction and one hour of out-of-class assignments.

    Contact Hour to Credit Ratio per Week: 2:1

  4. Applied Learning Laboratory - Option 2
    Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is individual or group study in a classroom, laboratory, or shop. Conduct of the instruction is under the direct supervision of the instructor.  This mode includes laboratory, clinical, or workplaces where students receive hands-on learning experience that is supervised. Work is normally completed entirely in the learning environment but may also include out-of-class preparation.  One credit hour is generated by three weekly contact hours of lab instruction.

    Contact Hour to Credit Ratio per Week: 3:1

  5. Work Site/Internship/ Externship
    Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is autonomous study or related work activity under the intermittent supervision of the instructor.  This mode includes working with or under the direction of professional practitioners.  The learning activity must be based on a written agreement with the participating provider.  A one-hour per week seminar or discussion group activity is required. One credit hour is generated by three weekly contact hours of instruction.

    Contact Hour to Credit Ratio per Week: 3:1

  6. Independent Study
    Contact hours in which the predominant instructional mode is autonomous study under the intermittent supervision of the instructor.  Independent study courses are available in most academic disciplines and course content, learning and evaluative criteria are developed primarily by the student with guidance from an instructor. One credit hour is generated by three hours of independent assignments per week.

    Contact Hour to Credit Ratio per Week: 3:1