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5.04- Grading

Policy Title: Grading Policy

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: 10/26/1994

Revised Date: 9/24/2014

Reviewed Date: 6/14/2023 

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.04

Legal Citation(s):



  1. Final grades are reported as A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, W (withdrawal according to proper procedure), S or P (satisfactory for designated courses), U (unsatisfactory for courses in which an S is given). An S or P grade requires the equivalent of at least C (2.0) work.
  2. In the computation of grade point averages, the following scale is used: A = 4.0, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0, B- = 2.7, C+ = 2.3, C = 2.0, C- = 1.7, D+ = 1.3, D = 1.0, D- = .7, F = 0.0.  Courses in which W, S, P, or U grades have been earned are not included in the calculation.
  3. If an I (incomplete work of passing grade) is given during final grading, the final grade must be issued by the published deadline.


A grade issued by an instructor is the prerogative of that instructor and normally may not be changed except to correct a recording error. Final grades may be appealed following the process identified in Procedure 5.04.


An incomplete is assigned by an instructor only if the student has been in attendance and has done satisfactory work to within three weeks of the end of the semester (or proportional length of time for a course of less than a semester in length).

All incomplete grades must be removed within six weeks after the first-class day of the following term, excluding the summer session.

Procedure Title: Grading Policy

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: 10/26/1994

Revised Date: 9/24/2014

Reviewed Date: 6/14/2023

Relates to Policy(s): 5.04

Legal Citation(s):

I.  Procedure Narrative:

A student may petition for review of an assigned grade by referring the concern to the appropriate instructor within 30 days of the start of the next academic term.  If there is no resolution, the division chair should be consulted by either the instructor or the student. In unusual cases, if the concern is still unresolved, it should then be referred by the division chair to the appropriate dean. If the concern is still unresolved, the student may submit the Instructional Petition Form along with a Statement of Appeal to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction within seven days of the appeal to the dean. After reviewing the information related to the appeal, the vice president may instruct the registrar’s office to modify the grade. The vice president’s decision is final. 

If a final grade of I (incomplete) is recorded, the instructor shall indicate in writing to the registrar what the student must do to complete the course and what permanent grade will be entered if the incomplete is not removed by the published deadline as specified in the policy