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5.04.01 - Withdrawals - Student

Policy Title: Course Withdrawal by Student

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Ad Hoc Committee

Effective Date: 10/26/1994

Revised Date: 8/27/2003

Reviewed Date: 12/2013

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.04.01

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

A student may withdraw from any course or from the college prior the final date of withdrawal established by North Idaho College. A proportional length of time will be used as the deadline for courses of less than a semester in length. A student who withdraws officially before the close of business hours of the last day for withdrawal will receive a grade of W for the course(s).


Procedure Title: Course Withdrawal by Student

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Ad Hoc Committee

Effective Date: 10/26/1994

Revised Date: 3/28/2014

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 5.04.01

Legal Citation(s):


Procedure Narrative:


Please refer to the college catalog for course and college withdrawal procedures.