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5.04.04 - Credit by Examination

Policy Title: Credit by Examination

Impact: Students


Effective Date: 10/26/1994

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.04.4

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

A student enrolled at North Idaho College may petition to challenge courses based on work done through private study and/or employment or to validate courses taken at non-accredited institutions.  A maximum of twenty-four credits may be secured by this method.

Credit by examination will not be granted for a course a student has previously taken for credit or audited, or in which he/she is currently enrolled or has been previously enrolled.


Procedure Title: Credit by Examination

Impact: Students


Effective Date: 10/26/1994

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 5.04.4

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative:

The procedure by which a student may challenge a course is as follows:

  1. A Request for Credit by Examination Form must be obtained from the registrar's office.

  2. The student must take this form to the chair of the division concerned for approval and signature. The division chair delegates an instructor to give the examination.

  3. The student pays a fee per credit hour before the examination is given.

  4. After the student has taken the examination, his/her grade will be recorded on the form which is to be signed by the division chair and the examiner and returned to the registrar's office.

    A student who challenges a course will be given credit if he/she earns a grade of A, B, or C in the examination.

    Neither grades nor credits earned through "credit by examination" will be counted in any given semester to determine load or grade point average, nor will they be included in computing cumulative grade point average. They will be included in cumulative credits completed.