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Policy Title: Transfer of Credit

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Registrar/Director of Admissions

Effective Date: 3/26/2014

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

North Idaho College may consider accepting transfer credits if the credits earned for coursework were completed at colleges and universities accredited by the following regional accrediting agencies: New England Association of Schools and Colleges; Middle States Commission on Higher Education; North Central Association of Colleges and Schools; Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; and/or Western Association of Schools and Colleges. 

The Admissions Office is responsible for determining transfer course equivalencies according to the accompanying procedures.  North Idaho College reserves the right to accept or reject credits earned at other institutions of higher education.

Procedure Title: Transfer of Credit

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Registrar/Director of Admissions

Effective Date: 3/26/2014

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s):

Legal Citation(s):


I. Introduction

A student enrolling at North Idaho College may have coursework evaluated for transfer of credit after having attended other post-secondary institutions.  For coursework to be evaluated, students must apply for admission and submit official transcripts.  For graduation purposes, students must request to have their transfer credit evaluated no later than one semester prior to applying for graduation.

II. Factors which determine the transfer of credit:

  1. The award of transfer credit shall imply that transfer credit will be applicable towards satisfying North Idaho College associate degree and certificate requirements.
  2. Courses that are equivalent to core courses at North Idaho College will satisfy core requirements. Courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better.  Any transfer course with a grade lower than a C- may be considered as elective credit.
  3. Courses not equivalent to specific core courses at North Idaho College but meeting core general education requirements at an accredited institution within the state of Idaho may be considered in meeting core requirements.
  4. Courses not equivalent in content to any course at North Idaho College may be considered as elective credit.
  5. Developmental coursework (below 100-level) is accepted for the purpose of fulfilling course prerequisites. The credit may satisfy certificate requirements but will not satisfy associate degree requirements.
  6. Courses with quarter credit hours are converted to semester credit hours upon acceptance. The semester conversion of quarter credits is at a rate of .67 semester credit hours for each quarter hour.
  7. Students who have completed a degree and are considered core complete at an accredited institution from the state of Idaho will not be required to complete additional core classes at North Idaho College. Students must still meet specific program requirements.
  8. Upper division courses are not accepted unless there is a specific equivalent lower-division course at North Idaho College.
  9. The age of credit may preclude acceptance when applying credit toward specific program requirements (e.g. nursing).
  10. Transfer grades and credits are not computed within the cumulative GPA earned at North Idaho College.
  11. After evaluation, students’ transfer credit reports are made available through the student portal pages.
  12. After evaluation, the college’s degree audit system report shows how transfer courses apply toward meeting certificate and degree requirements.
  13. Students may request a reevaluation of their transfer courses if they believe the results warrant a different NIC course equivalency than the one provided through the initial course evaluation. To receive a reevaluation of credit students must submit a request to the Admissions Office accompanied by a course description and syllabus from the originating institution. The appropriate division will be consulted in the reevaluation.