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5.04.07 - Credit for Prior Learning

Policy Title: Credit for Prior Learning

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Dean of Professional Technical and Workforce Education

Effective Date: 2/26/2014

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.04.07

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

North Idaho College evaluates credit for prior learning (CPL) to enable professional-technical students to enrich or accelerate their programs of study. CPL credit is awarded for the achievement of an advanced level of knowledge and/or skill outside of college coursework. The learning must be documented, demonstrable, college-level, currently applicable, and be equated to specific course outcomes in the college curriculum.

CPL credit is awarded for prior learning through the use of published procedures and through portfolio assessment. CPL is awarded for learning that is acquired through work experiences, correspondence and extension courses, civic, community, and volunteer work; participation in formal courses; military training, and in-service training sponsored by associations, business, government, and industry.

A student interested in a professional-technical program at North Idaho College may receive CPL only if the learning:  1) is evaluated by appropriately qualified teaching faculty through formal procedures, 2) meets the outcomes of specific courses at the college, 3) relates to the student’s education program, and 4) meets the standards of quality as set forth by the Idaho State Board of Education and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. CPL credit is limited to a maximum award of 25% of the credits needed for a specific degree or certificate program.  Students can make application for CPL by completing the procedures described in detail in the North Idaho College Handbook for Credit for Prior Learning. CPL is applicable to professional-technical education programs that lead to employment and generally will not transfer to other institutions.

This policy does not pertain to Challenge for Credit, College Level Exam Program (CLEP) Credit, Foreign Language Placement Credit or Advanced Placement (AP) Credit.


Procedure Title: Credit for Prior Learning

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Dean of Professional Technical and Workforce Education

Effective Date: 2/26/2014

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 5.04.07

Legal Citation(s):

I. Process

The process used to obtain Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is twofold. First, a student interested in a professional-technical program must enroll in CPL 121 – Introduction to Credit for Prior Learning. This one-credit class will help students:

  1. Identify their educational goals more clearly.
  2. Determine their prior learning experience(s).
  3. Write a goal statement.
  4. Write a work history detailing paid, volunteer, educational experiences, or training.
  5. Undergo an evaluation of their experiences to determine whether they should pursue the portfolio process for CPL.

Second, if approved in CPL 121, the student will enroll in CPL 122 – Credit for Prior Learning Portfolio Development.  This one-credit course will help students:


  1. Finalize their goal statement and request for credit.
  2. Provide a detailed work history aligned to learning objectives for specific courses.
  3. Write prior learning essays.
  4. Prepare appropriate authorizations and paperwork.
  5. Gather and provide verified documentation.
  6. Assemble and present a portfolio to a review committee.

A handbook to guide students through the CPL process is available through Professional-Technical Advising Support Services.

II. Evaluation

The student will be evaluated by a team comprised of a minimum of three people, to include two instructors (with at least one selected from the related program of study) and the Division Chair. The evaluation criteria shall include:  1) how well a student’s experiences directly relate to the learning outcomes of specific courses; 2) how well a student’s experiences are described and documented; 3) the general applicability of the student’s learning beyond their experiences; the student’s practical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area; the depth of the student’s developmental experiences; and the quality of the verification or certification of the student’s experiences.  The student will also be evaluated on how well they understand the CPL process, the quality of their writing, the organization and content of their final portfolio, and the presentation of the portfolio.

III. Awarding of Credit

The evaluation review team will decide whether credit is to be awarded, and the amount of credit to be awarded.  Should a student disagree with the evaluation review team’s recommendations, the Dean of Professional-Technical and Workforce Education will review the portfolio materials and the review team recommendations and make a determination.