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5.09 - Communicable Diseases

Policy Title: Communicable Diseases

Impact: Employees, Students, Third-party Agents

Responsibility: President

Effective Date: 5/25/2022

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.09

Legal Citation(s): Idaho Code 33-2145

I. Policy Narrative:

North Idaho College is committed to providing safe working, learning, and living environments for all members of the college community by preventing and/or minimizing the spread of communicable diseases. Subject to the authority of the board of trustees, the college seeks to adhere to the guidance of public health officials to prevent and/or minimize the transmission of communicable diseases.

The college will not prohibit free and normal access to NIC activities, programs, or services based on a diagnosed disease present in any person related to the campus, notwithstanding any law or rule to the contrary. However, if the college becomes aware of an employee or student having a communicable disease, which by the individual’s presence or behavior, puts other community members at risk, or if the college is notified by county, state, or federal health authorities of a community health emergency, the NIC administration may take preventative measures to reduce the risk to the college community, including but not limited to restricting access to college resources and/or requiring adherence to prescribed protocols.

II. Definitions

“Communicable Disease,” as defined by the Centers for Disease Control means an illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxins that occurs through the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent or its products from an infected individual or via an animal, vector or the inanimate environment to a susceptible animal or
human host.