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5.11 - Student Union

Policy Title: Student Union

Impact: Students


Effective Date: 3/26/2008

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

NIC shall recognize that the Student Union is an Auxiliary Facility housing several Auxiliary Departments.  An Auxiliary Facility is one that is not supported through general fund money, but through the generation of income from the rental and sale of services.  Auxiliary Departments include, but are not limited to, the Bookstore, Food Services, the Residence Hall, and Union Operations.

The Student Union shall have an Advisory Board consisting of five to eight students, a staff member, a faculty member, a member of administration, and the director of auxiliary services. The Board shall meet regularly to advise building management on issues pertaining to the building’s use.

The Student Union shall, above all else, be the home of the Associated Students and their offices, with an understanding that Union space is shared with other campus departments.

During published operating hours, the Union shall be used as a gathering place for students, faculty, staff, and the public while on campus. However, use of the facility shall be determined by NIC’s Facility Use Policies and Procedures (6.01 & 6.02).