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5.12 - Student Activity Fee Funds

Policy Title: Student Activity Fee Funds

Impact: Students


Effective Date: 5/25/2008

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 12/2013

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.12

Legal Citation(s):



  1. The student activity fee is a separately identified special service fee assessed and collected each term under the authority of the North Idaho College Board of Trustees as authorized by Idaho Code, Section 33-2110.

  2. The purpose of these special service funds shall be to foster, assist, or provide for the curricular, extracurricular, social, educational, cultural and/or recreational opportunities and activities of the duly enrolled students of North Idaho College.

  3. It is the policy of the board of trustees to grant broad discretion to the Student Board of the Associated Students of North Idaho College in the budgeting, allocation, and expenditure of such funds for the purpose indicated providing applicable state laws and board policies are observed.

  4. Student activity fee funds may not be expended for the personal or private benefit of individual officers, students, or staff members.

    This limitation is not intended to apply to scholarships or educational grants-in-aid covering tuition, fees, books for student body officers, payroll, stipends or benefits or other approved categories of students, nor to trophies or awards of less than $100 in value granted to recognize service, achievement, or significant contributions to the college.

  5. Student activity fee funds may not be expended for the purchase of items or the promotion of activities that are otherwise illegal under the laws of the United States or the state of Idaho or the ordinances of a local governing body.

  6. Student activity fee funds shall not be used to subsidize, aid, or assist the activities of any organization whose purpose is the support, promotion or advocacy of certain candidates for public office, sectarian religious doctrines or beliefs and/or partisan viewpoints concerning current legal, governmental or public issues. This limitation shall not be construed to apply to support for student associations engaged in activities to further the legitimate educational and financial interests of college students, e.g., political or religious clubs registered with ASNIC that do not deny membership to any North Idaho College students.

  7. Student activity fee funds shall not be expended for off campus luncheons, dinners, or banquets that are not related to student activities.

  8. All rules, prohibitions or guidelines indicated for the expenditure of student activity fee funds under the laws of the state of Idaho or these regulations shall apply with equal effect to any such funds that may be transferred, granted or consigned to any other campus agency, organization or club.

Procedure Title: Student Activity Fee Funds

Impact: Students


Effective Date: 5/25/2008

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date: 12/2013

Relates to Policy(s): 5.12

Legal Citation(s):


I. Procedures for Expending Student Special Fees

  1. The Student Board of the Associated Students of North Idaho College shall prepare an annual budget which, if requested, will then be submitted to the Senate Committee on Student Affairs for review. After review by such committee, if requested, or if not so requested, after preparation the same shall be submitted for final approval to the board of trustees of North Idaho College.

  2. All requested budgetary changes shall be submitted in the same manner.

  3. No expenditures from the student activities fee fund shall be made without the same having been recommended by the Student Board of the Associated Students of North Idaho College and approved by the board of trustees.

  4. The director of auxiliary services shall be responsible for maintaining all financial records, approving purchase orders, managing investments, and issuing all checks relating to the student activity fee fund.