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5.14 - Attendance

Policy Title: Attendance

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: Fall Semester 2005

Revised Date: 3/22/2012

Reviewed Date: 11/25/2014

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.14

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

North Idaho College challenges students to be learners who assume responsibility for being a part of a community of scholars.  Students’ presence and participation in the class is an important component of this challenge. Furthermore, North Idaho College offers an education that prepares students for professional employment. Each student is encouraged to develop a professional work ethic that reflects responsibility, initiative, and teamwork.

In light of the above, students are expected to attend all classes. Students who miss class are unable to make up learning experiences that, by their nature, depend on class participation and attendance, such as lectures, discussions, group work, or field trips. Students who are absent from class miss opportunities to contribute to the learning environment and may develop patterns that will not be tolerated in the workplace.

For financial aid purposes, attendance requirements are defined by the U.S. Department of Education. These attendance policies have separate penalties and/or requirements that must be maintained by the Financial Aid Office. A student’s lack of attendance could result in loss of financial aid funds. In addition, federal regulations require that students make satisfactory progress toward a degree in order to retain federal financial aid.

Procedure Title: Attendance

Impact: Students

Responsibility: Office of Instruction

Effective Date: Fall Semester 2005

Revised Date: 1/20/2015

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 5.14

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative:

The following procedure outlines responsibilities for students, staff, and faculty regarding attendance.

  1. The NIC Attendance Policy requires the administrative withdrawal of students who miss classes within the first two weeks of a semester (or specified time period for summer session or short-term courses). Students missing all of the class meeting sessions of a face-to-face class during the first two weeks of the semester will be dropped from that class. Students attending internet-based classes must complete and submit course work as outlined in the syllabus or they will be dropped from classes as well.

  2. Each faculty member will establish a reasonable attendance policy, which will be stated in the course syllabus and explained during the first-class meeting. Some academic departments have agreed-upon attendance policies for their specific fields of study. When a student must be absent from class, the student is responsible for contacting the instructor, explaining the situation, and making up any missed work, as allowed by the instructor as specified in the course syllabus.

  3. When participating in a required extracurricular activity, such as a field trip, or when officially representing NIC at a scheduled activity, such as a conference or an intercollegiate athletic event, students are responsible for informing instructors far enough in advance to arrange for appropriate make-up work.  Instructors will make reasonable accommodations and will expect students to complete the missed coursework as arranged.

  4. When an absence is unavoidable, such as an extended illness, students are responsible for contacting their instructors, who may require verification in order to arrange for make-up work. Instructors will make reasonable accommodations and will expect students to complete the missed coursework as arranged.

  5. A student has the right to appeal an instructor’s actions to the appropriate division chair, and if not satisfied, then to the appropriate dean, and finally, the vice president for instruction. The vice president’s decision is final.

  6. It is the intention of this policy that a student who is absent from class, as defined in procedures 4 and 5, is not penalized in any manner due to the absence.

  7. Excessive absences not associated with procedures 4 and 5 may result in a student being withdrawn from a course and/or North Idaho College. See Instructor Initiated Withdrawal policy.

  8. If an instructor records a mid-term or final grade of “F” for a student, the instructor must also record the last day of attendance.