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5.16 - Student Complaints and Concerns

Policy Title: Student Complaints and Concerns

Impact: Administration

Responsibility: Executive Accreditation Committee

Effective Date: 4/24/2019

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Procedure(s): 5.16

Legal Citation(s):

I. Policy Narrative:

This policy shall provide standardized procedures that promote constructive dialogue, understanding, and resolution of student complaints and concerns.

  1. Definition
    A complaint expresses dissatisfaction with the performance or action of a College employee or process that a student believes to be unfair or inconsistent with College policy or usual practices.

  2. Exclusions
    This policy does not apply in instances specifically addressed in other North Idaho College policies, i.e., Academic Integrity, Student Code of Conduct, or others.  When the complaint is specific to other college policies, the student will be advised to follow the appropriate college policy.

  3. Time Limitations
    A student wishing to express a complaint, as previously defined, should do so no later than 30 instructional days from the time the student became concerned.



Procedure Title: Student Complaints and Concerns

Impact: Administration


Effective Date: 4/24/2019

Revised Date:

Reviewed Date:

Relates to Policy(s): 5.16

Legal Citation(s):

I. Procedure Narrative:

This procedure intends to promote constructive dialogue, understanding, and resolution of student complaints and concerns. A complaint expresses dissatisfaction with the performance or action of a College employee or process that a student believes to be unfair or inconsistent with College policy or usual practices. (See Policy for Exclusions and Time Limitations.)

I. Complaint Process

  1. Discuss Complaint with Employee
    The student should express the complaint informally and thoroughly with the employee or the person they believe oversees the process. Both parties should openly discuss the student complaint/concern and attempt to understand the other's perspectives, explore alternatives, and attempt to arrive at a satisfactory resolution to the complaint.

  2. Express Complaint in Writing
    If the student remains dissatisfied with the complaint resolution in Section I, the student should express the complaint in writing and forward the written complaint within five (5) instructional days to the employee and employee's immediate supervisor. At the student's request, the Vice President for Student Services or his/her designee shall assist in clarifying the complaint process, writing the complaint, and supporting the student throughout the complaint process.

  3. Supervisor Conference
    On receipt of the student's written complaint the immediate supervisor may ask the employee for a written response and shall, within five (5) instructional days following receipt of the student's written complaint, schedule a conference with the involved parties. The supervisor may request supporting materials of either employee or student. If after discussion, mediation, and review of materials at the conference the involved parties remain unable to find a mutually acceptable resolution, the supervisor shall render a verbal decision on the complaint to all present parties and within five (5) instructional days provide a written copy of his/her decision of the complaint to each involved party.
  4. Next Level of Authority (NLA)
    If the decision of the immediate supervisor does not resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the student, then the next level of authority (the Dean, Director, Vice President or Chief Officer) shall, on request of the student, schedule a conference of all previously involved parties and any additionally affected supervisors within five (5) instructional days at a mutually agreeable time. All written statements and supporting materials of involved parties will be provided to the NLA prior to the conference. The NLA will retain these materials for College files. If, after discussion, mediation, and review of materials at the conference, the involved parties remain unable to find a mutually acceptable resolution, the NLA shall within five (5) instructional days render a written decision on the complaint and will provide copies to all involved parties. The NLA will render the final decision on a student complaint except in cases when a student complaint originally initiated on the performance or actions of a NLA. In this case the student may appeal to the NLA’s supervisor for final resolution consistent with the policy and procedures.